Page name: Anti - Pop/Rap Army [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-20 19:41:38
Last author: ravens shadow
Owner: ravens shadow
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Welcome to the Anti - Pop and rap army wiki!
Here we all feel that this music is worse than drunk Grandma's singing at Christmas.

[Philosophy of the Anti -Pop and rap army = You can't spell 'crap' without 'rap'!]

Thanks to a suggestion from [Bulldozer], a new page has been created towards the fight against shite music.
Silly Rap/Pop Lyrics

Members of the Army:
1. [ravens shadow] - general
2. [Appetite for Destruction] - lieutenant
3. [rocker reject] - private
4. [pixi prince of chaos] - private
5. [Feorely] - private
6. [celticfaerie] - private
7. [juggalette kisses] - private
8. [i hope you like dancing in the rain] - private
9. [Bulldozer] - corporal
10. [gone forever never loggin back on again] - private
11. [Red_Rum] - private
12. [punk_drunk] - private
13. [blackdragon28] - private
14. [popeyethecat] - private
15. [stillicide silently falling snow.x] - lieutenant + assisstant page maker
16. [They Call Me Joey] - private
17. [Dracula Dead and Loving It] - private
18. [~angel from your nightmares~] - private
19. [Arcanus] - private
20. [Anthrax] - lieutenant
21. [jibberish] - private
22. [de Morte] - private

1146) What is the best type of music? (Administrator: [ravens shadow])

Number of voters: 11

<h2><i>If you would like to join this wiki [or make some banners -please] message me [ravens shadow] with your view on how the world has been ruined by scalls listening to Eminem and Kylie Minogue!

Don't message me if you think Busted or McFly are classed as Rock - they are POP POP POP!!!!

Hint to all members - If you wanna move up the ranks of the army, help make this wiki better!
Many thanks
[ravens shadow]


Username (or number or email):


2004-12-07 [Appetite for Destruction]: Fight the power! Even though you stole my "you can't spell 'crap' without 'rap'" catchphrase, fair enough! It's the fuckin truth!

2004-12-08 [ravens shadow]: thnx 4 lettin me use ure catchphrase

2004-12-21 [Appetite for Destruction]: Eh, no prob..I just noticed it, that's all. DOWN WITH RAP!

2004-12-31 [IV_bOyLoVeR_69]: Rap kix ass...i'm listenin 2 sum right now.

2005-01-01 [ravens shadow]: Well get the hell outta here

2005-01-04 [punk_drunk]: i cant stand it wen u dont understand what the hell they r saying and all they do is slap there bitches

2005-01-05 [Appetite for Destruction]: Yeah, damn right! Rap is crap and all the members here know it. Clever dudes n dudettes...rock n punk forever!!

2005-02-07 [Bulldozer]: Anyone here heard of a band called Strapping Young Lad? They're a great band and I'd like to get the word out about them. They're funny bastards too.

2005-02-10 [ravens shadow]: Yay busted split up hahahahaha

2005-02-11 [Appetite for Destruction]: Yay! Music will live another day!

2005-02-15 [i hope you like dancing in the rain]: RAP means Retards Attempting Poetry eminem is CRAP Cocasian Retard Attempting Poetry

2005-03-23 [Bulldozer]: Now everyone can rap it's really easy. Just bitch and moan about life on the ghetto in a deep slurred voice so your words don't even have to rhyme. If you get stuck then say stuff in the deep slurred voice like 'Yea yea yea yea yea' and 'OOooooh Shit'. You are now a rap 'artist' congratulations

2005-03-23 [Appetite for Destruction]: There's nuthin wrong with moaning about life....but only if you actually have a tune to go with it. Rap lacks that essential.

2005-03-25 [Bulldozer]: I'd prefer the motivational lyrics of bands like Machine Head to tell you honestly, I find it a nice change. Too bad they're so rare. Either that or funny as all hell lyrics like Rammstein and Strapping Young Lad what a laugh. I'm getting a bit over the moaning to tell you honestly, but yes if it has a nice tune then I don't really mind.


2005-04-03 [Bulldozer]: It's been said.

2005-04-12 [TamponLollipops]: Now this is a good wiki! Rap and pop suck ass!


2005-04-26 [Bulldozer]: Umm you could put in a section about the dumbass things wiggers and wogs (as we all know the main listeners of rap) say to me as I walk past and what I say back. Such as... Some wigger with his 'dawgs':'You woman you have long hair and a piercing in both ears. Are you a lesbian you woman?' Me:'Are you hitting on me?' Dumb Prick:'Poofter you fucking poofter, poofter poofter fuck POOFTER fucking poofter!'. As you can see they have very high IQs.

2005-04-26 [Bulldozer]: Oh and did you notice how cowardly they are? They'll only ever say something to you if their in a largish group that aoutnumbers at least you and your friends three to one. They also have to use weapons to win their battles. Man that annoys me if one ever starts with me on his own I will murdalize him.

2005-04-26 [Bulldozer]: Thus leading to my conclusion that rap shrinks your balls and brain. Rap is bad kiddies don't do rap.

2005-05-12 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: oh man this is an qwesome fuckin wiki dude. can someone help me join. RAP SUCKS HUGE ELEPHANT BALLS

2005-07-16 [Anthrax]: YOU CANT SPELL RAP WITHOUT CRAP!!! [Anthrax]

2005-07-29 [ravens shadow]: [Bulldozer] is moving up the ranks in the army for explaining exactly how shit rap is!

2005-09-25 [Appetite for Destruction]: I've just voted in the poll.....had to go for good-ol'-fashioned rock!

2005-10-06 [Bulldozer]: Where's good ol' American metal, like Pantera and Ozzy? I think I'm going to be ill from the goth metal and new metal being in categories without just one proper metal category. Blah!

2005-10-06 [Appetite for Destruction]: Ozzy's from Britain....

2005-10-15 [fungyew]: how bored are u people make a whole wiki just because u dont like certain types of music dammit get a freaking hobby or play a sport just do something

2005-10-15 [TamponLollipops]: Haven't you heard? This is a sport!

2005-10-15 [Appetite for Destruction]: Well, we're allowed to have our own opinion, aren't we?

2005-11-05 [fungyew]: true but damm bad things happen when people get bored at a severe degree, like the chokeing gamewhoever found out that denieing the brain air gets u high had way to much time on there hands

2006-01-11 [lucetgirl]: Dude! Check out this sight! Get paid for surfing the net!

2006-08-29 [ravens shadow]: People
I havent been on for ages - some thing to do with passwords or summet
Yeh so
Any ideas to add 2 this thing
Messages please

2006-09-02 [de Morte]: may I join?

2008-04-22 [Asylum Escapie]: AAHHHHH!!!!!! WANT TO JOIN AND I CANT'T HOW DO I JOIN!?!!!?!!!?!!!?

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